Sunday, August 13, 2006

Abby Lee, I'm not

To all of you who've been directed here by your search for the Abby Lee blog, um... welcome and thanks for the gratifying increase in traffic.

I'll admit I won an Abby a couple of years ago, and that my blog pals call me Lee, and that the tag line of my blog, 'the girl next door....' rings somewhat with '... seductress next door', but my life isn't half as exciting as the real Abby Lee. Well, I'm only guessing it's exciting and racy since it has been deemed "...inconsistent with the religious, cultural, political and moral values of the United Arab Emirates", and has subsequently been blocked.

Guess I'll just have to buy the book.


Anonymous said...

you seem far more interesting than the one track nymho!

Me said...

The trouble with advertising yourself as "not Abby Lee" is that your blog gets found more for those very same words. Ooh, the dilemma.

My blog gets found for the words Abby Lee too, but then I wrote a blog piece about her (kind of).

Anyway, just thought I'd pop by